Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Case of Dr. Melba Ketchum.

A new rant that is about something close to all my readers: Bigfoot and his poor record of being used for fraud.

In November of 2012 a Nacodoches veterinarian-turned DNA researcher named Melba Ketchum (Yes, her last name is Ketchum like the main character in Pokemon!) claimed to have unlocked the DNA of Sasquatch (Gigantopithecus Americium) and made a claim that not only was Bigfoot real, but was also part human! This counteracts what true cryptozoologists said about the Sasquatch as being a Non-human ape. She also made a heart-felt appeal for "Government at all levels must recognize them as an indigenous people and immediately protect their human and Constitutional rights against those who would see in their physical and cultural differences a 'license' to hunt, trap, or kill them.".

Seems like someone was on weed or acid when she did her "Sasquatch genome study".

When every  scientific journal rejected her findings, she did the "Galileo defense" claiming "It seems mainstream science just can't seem to tolerate something controversial, especially from a group of primarily forensic scientists and not 'famous academians' aligned with large universities, even though most of our sequencing and analysis was performed at just such facilities,"

I like to say that she is just trying to cover her own problems up by screaming "COVER UP!" which is what she is doing.

To make things worse to damage the science of Cryptozoology and science in general, she later claimed that a scientific journal called DeNovo Journal of Science was to publish her work. oddly it appeared NINE DAYS before it published Ketchum's study, which, by the way, is its only article. To read it, you have to shell out $30.

as this picture can show, it does look like she is on dope.

with all this proof, it shows that she is nothing more then a con-woman who is trying to use Bigfoot to steal money from those that really believe in Bigfoot and ruining the name of science and cryptozoology!

My advice to her is this:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The coming of the week!

Today I went to Northpark Mall and shopped. Now I am geared for the weekend and the Duelist-Mania tournament on the 22nd.