Saturday, November 9, 2013

Blogs-4-Huckabee: a Blog for Traitors?

Ultra-Conservative site "Blogs-4-Huckabee" is one site that wants to destroy America. That is the Truth sadly.

The Site is known to be full of Nut jobs and crazy people who are well known to want things from ending funding to National Parks to (get this) BLOWING UP THE STATUE OF LIBERTY!!!!! Yes, they want to do that.

The truth is that these are the same people behind the infamous Blog "Blog-4-Brownback" which claimed the Government was going to ban anime, which ended in the site being made into "the Greatest Liars Site in History" which is about right. BUT 'Blogs-4-Huckabbe' is a real threat. The FBI investigated many of the users on the site and found out that many were well known Domestic Terrorists.

I can say that I am very scared of that site and hope that these guys get arrested before they try anything.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Writing can be hard.

I am trying to work on a short story that may be a good Christmas story, but writers block has hit again. Writing can be hard, but it is fun :)

The Great NationStates Fail is trying to hide something, Not just the fact that it is full of Cyber-bullies and terrorists. It is hiding the fact that NationStates has now started to fall apart after ten years. The main reason is that the Cyber-bullies have kicked many good players off the site and those players have taken revenge on the unjust kicking out by starting rival sites. These sites have drawn many RPers away from NS, causing it to start falling apart on it self.

Another reason was that back in 2010, The FBI started investigating the site as a secret site that sent coded messengers to terrorists. They found out that while Domestic Terrorists and the hacker group Anonymous had come on to the site, no coded messages nor any connection to Islamic Terrorist groups were found. But it did scared off many players and started the end of NS.

But the NS Moderators have been trying to hide this, faking the number of players by using the number of Ex-players. This fraud has not helped and NS is still continuing it's path to disappearing before it reaches 20 years of age. is going to end and soon, it will die out by 2023.