Saturday, September 27, 2014

The End of Saturday Morning Cartoons.

Today is a sad day for CW. Today is the last day for CW's Vortexx program block. This is the end of a era that had been around since the beginning of Television it self. The Era of The Saturday Morning Cartoon on broadcast networks has ended.

The main one behind this tragic event is a company known as Litton Entertainment. the company which brought the world ":Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures" soon started taking over Saturday Morning blocks back in the late 2000s, starting with ABC. CBS was next, followed by FOX. NBC still has its own, connected with ION Television's Saturday Block.

Already what was starting back then is biting back at the Broadcast Networks. Ratings with Teens and Children have gone down, which had put a VERY large dent in the Broadcast Networks. Because of Litton, those that had watched Saturday Morning Cartoons on ABC, CBS, NBC and CW now turn to cable and satellite networks or to PBS.

This is the Mistake the broadcast channels have made and it will come back to bite them and we could soon see the end of Broadcast networks soon enough.

A World without America? It could have happened!

Republicans, Radical Conservatives and Tea Party Gun Nuts all have a strange belief that if America was gone, then the world would end. This I disagree with because history showed that the world didn't end with the end of a Superpower.

When The Western Roman Empire fell, the World did not end, when The Byzantine Empire Collapsed, The world did not end, when the British Empire ended, the world did not end and when The Soviet Union fell, The world did not end. It is natural for Superpowers to fall. Be it from Economic collapse, Political turmoil, Foreign Invasion or Domestic uprising. Superpowers do not last forever.

Such is the case with the United States. If or when it falls, it would be like the end of the end of the world to many, but the world would go on as it had with America. Ultra-Conservatives forget that there was w time when there WAS No America!

Shocking isn't it? There was a Time before America? Yes there was. a time before the United States, a time when there was no independent American Nation. It was a time when Three Major European Powers ruled North America; Spain, France and Great Britain. Even before the Europeans, there was no United States, but over 500 Native American Nations. This is something that many people on the Right-Wing forget or ignore.

So, what would the World be like if their was No America??

For one thing, the area that is now the East Coast would have remained a part of the British Empire. In the time of the American Revolution, Great Britain was a Major Power in in world, one that can be called a Superpower. The Royal Navy ruled the Atlantic, fighting pirates on the high seas. On Land, the British Royal Army kept the peace in most parts of the Empire. But in one colony, Massachusetts, had a history of rebellion and in 1773, it was getting ready to rebel. Taxes imposed on the Colonies by the far away government in London had pushed Massachusetts to the breaking point. Then the Boston Tea Party happened. On December 16th, 1773, Members of the Sons of Liberty, dressed as Mohawk warriors, boarded ships full of crates of tea from China and India and dumped the Tea into the harbor. The British Parliament reacted by passing the Intolerable Acts, which ended Self-rule in Massachusetts, closed Boston Harbor and made it legal for British Soldiers to be quartered in Civilian's Houses.

With in Two years, things exploded into full scale Revolt on the green fields of Lexington on April 19th, 1775, sparking the American Revolutionary War. In the end, The Colonies became the United States of America and the only major territory in North America that the British still rule would one day be Canada.

The years from 1770 to April 19th, 1775 was what mattered in the fate of America. if the British had been more even handed or if they had cracked down on the Sons of Liberty, then it could have been that the American Revolution would NOT have happened. Another way if America had not become independent is if the British had totally destroy the Continental Army.

But the question is, what would it be like if the British still ruled what is now America?

That would be something for another post.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Why NationStates refuses peace.

the web site continues to become a hive of scum and villainy as cyber-bullies continue to enforce their will on many, blackmailing media outlets with the help of terrorist groups like Anonymous and ISIS. They have continued to spread out like the slime they are and have even blackmailed DeviantArt into taking down Anti-Cyber-bully art. They see that they have been threaten as the truth has come out!

Earlier this year, I tried to get them to agree to peace to end the Cyber-War between the Shame NationStates Movement and NationStates. But in typical nazi-Terrorist style, they rejected it, totally.

Why do they fear peace?

It is because the power of the Cyber-bullies on NS would be gone, destroyed. Because Max Barry would be overthrown and perhaps finally shown to be the bully he is. They fear the power of the people, of good people who stand up to bullies, who would see the end of the Cyber-bullies and bring hope to many.

The Cyber-bullies on NS would want to see people they bullied hand themselves, to comment suicide. These people on NS are sickos who need to be gotten rid off and handled. The NS Cyber-bullies see people as a threat to their rule and they know that soon justice will win in the end.

NS is doomed.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Yes, Ukraine, There is a World War III.

It seems that what many people have said would happen is about to start for the third time in Europe. the Ukrainian Government is moving on the Pro-Russian Protestors that are occupying cities in Eastern Ukraine in the name of Russia. On the Border, the Russian Army is waiting to strike while in the Black Sea, their planes are buzzing American Ships. This looks to be the start of the war that is feared by all.

World War III.

The Third World War needs not to be Nuclear to destroy Civilization. a Conventional World War III can do the same thing. The First World War was devastating enough for many to believe it was the War to end all Wars. In the end of the War, the economies of Both the Defeated and the Victors were crushed, leading to the Great Depression and the Rise of Fascism and Communism.

a Conventional Third World War would be 100 Times as worse. Fighting on ALL Continents, even The Antarctic, economies falling apart, millions of people dying from warfare, famine and disease, Cities being destroyed, civilization falling apart. This is a nightmare scenario that can come true, even without nuclear war.

In the 21st Century, Cyber-Warfare is a new weapon in war, All of the Nuclear armed nations also have Cyber-warfare units. In the era of Cyber-warfare, a hacker could shut down whole nations, even shut down Nuclear Missile Silos, making sure that the enemy can not launch a nuclear strike on them, or launch a counter-strike. It would be a easy time then to take out Bombers and Submarines to make sure they are not nuked by the enemy.

It seems that 2014 will be like 1914, the Year of the World War.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Radical Christians vs. Aliens: the reason we would be destroyed.

There are those that believe that the Universe is empty and that there is no life other then on Earth, these people are ones who Ignore science and other proof that we are not alone in the universe. These people are a mixed bunch of Young Earth Creationists, Racists, Fanatics and others who make up a group known as Radical Christians. Rejected by mainstream Christianity and Society these people have made their own twisted and perverted version of Christianity. They think the world is flat, believe science is evil and that all doctors and scientists should be killed, they think that home schooling is better then everything and the highest paying job is working at a fast food joint.

They also believe Aliens are demons....

Yep, they think that UFO's and Aliens are in fact evil demons from Hell that are fooling humanity into believe in the 'lie' that The Universe is full of life and that We are not the only intelligent race around. These people are well known to be crazy, gun-touting wackos in the style of David Koresh and other psychopaths.

These people are laughed out by everyone else, even fellow Christians who see them for what they are, Crazy people. Yet i fear that these people will be a threat to our own race in the near Furture.

When Aliens do come to Earth, many will have mixed reactions, some will greet the aliens, other will be afraid that they are here to Invade (and that might be right if ET does not come in Peace). and then there are the Radical Christians. They will see their nightmare come true. They will see the Aliens as demons who are fooling Humanity and that the rest of the world is now worshiping Satan. their Reaction is to Kill the 'demons'.

They will be shooting at the Aliens and then highjack Nuclear Missile Silos and try to attack the demons, sparking a Interstellar War in which Humanity loses.

Those that survive the war will turn on the ones who started it: the Radical Christians and it will start a war that will end with the last two humans killing each other. This is the end of the World.

I think that if Aliens do come, we should lock all the Radical Christians into a cage and place it under the Earth or build a Starship and send all those crazies heading for the sun. It would be best for our Future if we keep a Eye on Radical Christians and see them for the threat that they are for Civilization.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Cowards are stupid

The Boycott of Max Barry will continue, despite a few cowards saying that it will not work. These cowards, who I will not name, have said I am doing this because they claim I 'Broke the rules' which is false and a lie created by the Nazi-Cyberbullies who run NationStates, who hate Americans, who support Eugenics to kill off Autistic people (like I am) and want to bully people until they die in the name of their sick and twisted ideas.

I say this, try to stop me! I will not stop until NationStates is shut down and Max Barry is in Jail, or I am dead! As for the Cowards, I say that they are the ones who will be shown wrong in the pages of History and of FREEDOM!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Boycott of Max Barry

So begins the great Boycott of 2014. Because of his support of Cyberbullying on his site, a full scale Boycott of all the works of Max Barry has been declared. For those who want to send a Message in support of the Boycott. Send your message to Max Barry's E-mail: Tell him that you will NOT buy his books and declare you are against Cyberbullying!