Wednesday, May 29, 2013

North American Union: WTF?!?!

The idea of the North American Union. It has been around since 2001 and yet there is no proof of such a union. the whole idea is that there is a secret plan to unite the USA, Canada and Mexico into something like the European Union. How ever, this is not true and also, it is full of faslehoods.

The main problem is the idea of the 'Amero'. the conspiracy theory is that everyone in North America would be forced to use the 'Amero' in place of the Dollar and Peso. That is not reasonable, as the idea of the 'Amero' is in fact FAKE! It is a play at the world 'euro' which is the money in the EU the euro it self is named after Europe. If one wanted to make a currency for all of North America, one would use the United States Dollar.

Also the 'North American Union" it self is wrong. Conspiracy Theorists said that the NAU is made of of Canada, the USA and Mexico. But North America is also made of of the nations of Central America and the Caribbean. Some would think that the people talking about the "Coming North American Union" would Ignoring the nations In Central America and the Caribbean.

Also the problem with a North American Union can be seen in the European Union, it is beset with problems in member nations, such as the economic problems in Greece, Spain and Italy. Don't you think the same problems will happen in a North American Union?

In Short, the NAU is nothing more then Pipe dreams and will not be possible in this day and age. Keep Dreaming people, Keep dreaming......

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Creationists ar Idiots! a rant by me

I am going to say this: Creationists are idiots!

Yes! I said it, they are idiots, stupid, Pseudo-scientists who twist religion and science into a monster that it in it self has been made into a religion of it's own. In short, it is a twisted version of The Book of Genesis. First of all, while it does say in Genesis that God created the world in six days and rested on the seventh, We are talking about God here, Immortal, one of his days could last over a billion years. God is not set by Human standards, which the Creationists have tried to put on God. If that is the case then right now, God is DEAD! That is not possible as the Bible does state that God is Immortal.

The second is that God can do anything; If he decides that Life in the Universe should evolve, then he can do it! For all we know, God invented Evolution and that Creationists are stupid to that fact. It is God that controls the universe and the fact is God could make things evolve.

"Young Earth" Creationists are the worst of the lot. They believe that Earth is only 6,000 years old. they think that all Science is false and tend to throw away scientific facts. In short, they are more like the Taliban in nature. I think we should start drone strikes on the Young Earth Creationists. the fact that Young Earth Creationists are radicals is the fact they invented a pseudo-science known as "Intelligent Design" which is very vague in it's nature. They also have a plot known as "The Wedge" which plans for the total take over the the United States by driving a "Wedge" between Scientific Fact and the American People! Where have we heard of that idea of dividing the people against each other before enslaving a whole nation to someone's will before? Perhaps from the guy in the picture below?

Yes, the same "Wedge" idea was used by Hitler and the Nazis in their rise into power in the 1930s. Are we seeing the Rise of a American Nazi/Taliban group that will enslave America and cause World War III? Perhaps, but there are more Smart people in America then there are Creationist Witch Doctors. So the "Wedge" is bound to fail.

Creationism it self is bound to the history books as a idea that has lost touch with the Modern World and with Religion and the People. The Roman Catholic Church had accepted the idea of Evolution and thatGod might have used it when he created the Universe and mankind. Creationism is now regarded as Pseudo-science and it belongs there for all time.

that is my rant.

Monday, May 27, 2013

My RP site

Seeing that as long as Cyber-bully Chieftain Frisbeeteria rules NS with injustice, I can not return. So I am now going to show them I will not stand for their Cyber-bully empire. Firstly, I have sent a few messages to Anonymous. Also I have started a New Site.

I will continue My Campaign against Frisbeeteria until he IS removed from  Moderator and his thugs kicked out with him.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Time to end a Rivaly

NationStates Mod/Bully-Thug Frisbeeteria has once again deleted a nation of mine, he refuses to answer for his reasons, knowing that I will show the world that he is a Bully, Thug and Bias. So I am now going to launch a Campaign against him. I will start a Online Pension to have Frisbeeteria REMOVED from being a Moderator and that he is to Apologize to everyone he Unjustly deleted publicly. Until that day, I will continue to make sure that he will always be blackballed for what he is, a bully and a thug!

NationStates is DOOMED!!!!!!!

For a full year now I have been taking revenge on the Cyber-Bully Site known as NationStates for the Injustice they did on February 20, 2012. My main weapon: Mind games on the so-called "Moderators", creating new nations just to piss them off for Unjustly Banning me. This is a Message to the Mods of NS: you will never be able to stop me! :P

First Post: about a bad movie

This is my first post on my own Blog and this will be a warning to any movie goers reading this.

On June 7th, 2013, the WORST MOVIE EVER will be shown. the movie known as "Syrup" which is based on a very terrible novel of the same name by Cyber-bully supporter, Max Barry, is coming out to theaters. This movie has been dubbed by Critics as "Bad" "Horrible" and "Makes all other Bad Movies look good!" This movie should be Rated 'F' for Flop because this will be one Bad Movie. I would say watch something else, Like "Star Trek: Into Darkness" or even rent the DVD of "Star Wars".

Such a Bad Movie is made by such a BAD writer, whose books are on the New York Times WORST SELLER'S LIST!. As it is known that Max Barry is for Cyber-bullying, Denies that the Holocaust was real and even supported Osama bin Laden! He even was said to have cheered when the Terrorists took down the Twin Towers on 9/11! So I think that people should avoid this movie and see something else.

Thank You