Sunday, May 26, 2013

First Post: about a bad movie

This is my first post on my own Blog and this will be a warning to any movie goers reading this.

On June 7th, 2013, the WORST MOVIE EVER will be shown. the movie known as "Syrup" which is based on a very terrible novel of the same name by Cyber-bully supporter, Max Barry, is coming out to theaters. This movie has been dubbed by Critics as "Bad" "Horrible" and "Makes all other Bad Movies look good!" This movie should be Rated 'F' for Flop because this will be one Bad Movie. I would say watch something else, Like "Star Trek: Into Darkness" or even rent the DVD of "Star Wars".

Such a Bad Movie is made by such a BAD writer, whose books are on the New York Times WORST SELLER'S LIST!. As it is known that Max Barry is for Cyber-bullying, Denies that the Holocaust was real and even supported Osama bin Laden! He even was said to have cheered when the Terrorists took down the Twin Towers on 9/11! So I think that people should avoid this movie and see something else.

Thank You

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