Saturday, September 27, 2014

A World without America? It could have happened!

Republicans, Radical Conservatives and Tea Party Gun Nuts all have a strange belief that if America was gone, then the world would end. This I disagree with because history showed that the world didn't end with the end of a Superpower.

When The Western Roman Empire fell, the World did not end, when The Byzantine Empire Collapsed, The world did not end, when the British Empire ended, the world did not end and when The Soviet Union fell, The world did not end. It is natural for Superpowers to fall. Be it from Economic collapse, Political turmoil, Foreign Invasion or Domestic uprising. Superpowers do not last forever.

Such is the case with the United States. If or when it falls, it would be like the end of the end of the world to many, but the world would go on as it had with America. Ultra-Conservatives forget that there was w time when there WAS No America!

Shocking isn't it? There was a Time before America? Yes there was. a time before the United States, a time when there was no independent American Nation. It was a time when Three Major European Powers ruled North America; Spain, France and Great Britain. Even before the Europeans, there was no United States, but over 500 Native American Nations. This is something that many people on the Right-Wing forget or ignore.

So, what would the World be like if their was No America??

For one thing, the area that is now the East Coast would have remained a part of the British Empire. In the time of the American Revolution, Great Britain was a Major Power in in world, one that can be called a Superpower. The Royal Navy ruled the Atlantic, fighting pirates on the high seas. On Land, the British Royal Army kept the peace in most parts of the Empire. But in one colony, Massachusetts, had a history of rebellion and in 1773, it was getting ready to rebel. Taxes imposed on the Colonies by the far away government in London had pushed Massachusetts to the breaking point. Then the Boston Tea Party happened. On December 16th, 1773, Members of the Sons of Liberty, dressed as Mohawk warriors, boarded ships full of crates of tea from China and India and dumped the Tea into the harbor. The British Parliament reacted by passing the Intolerable Acts, which ended Self-rule in Massachusetts, closed Boston Harbor and made it legal for British Soldiers to be quartered in Civilian's Houses.

With in Two years, things exploded into full scale Revolt on the green fields of Lexington on April 19th, 1775, sparking the American Revolutionary War. In the end, The Colonies became the United States of America and the only major territory in North America that the British still rule would one day be Canada.

The years from 1770 to April 19th, 1775 was what mattered in the fate of America. if the British had been more even handed or if they had cracked down on the Sons of Liberty, then it could have been that the American Revolution would NOT have happened. Another way if America had not become independent is if the British had totally destroy the Continental Army.

But the question is, what would it be like if the British still ruled what is now America?

That would be something for another post.

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